Monday, May 23, 2011
According to the movie Gone Baby Gone amanda was kidnapped because of her mothers addiction and greed for money which lead to police investigating to find amanda.Amanda aunt and uncle read in the paper seeking additional help in finding their niece when she found patrick and angie who were private investigaters to help the officer to find amanda. As angie and patrick started additional investigation they found that hellen amanda's mother was telling the police a lie of the story they told the police.allegedly hellen and her boyfriend ray stole money from the biggest drug dealer and she hid the money from her boyfriend ray which lea to his death.When angie notified her and showed her ray was dead thats when helen showed patrick where the money was.patrick said in exchange for amanda he would give the money,so patrick agrees to the meeting location to do the switch thats when everything went down hill.shots were fired .patrick and angie ran to were the shots were fired when they got their.the cop said amanda was thrown in the water,deperatly trying to save her angie jumped in but did not find amanda.The cop remy plus the captain and amandas uncle made this story up to kidnapp amanda to give her to the captain doyle to raise her and give her a better life.which led to the murders of so many people to cover their lives.captain doyle,officer remy linoel are all consequential because of their believes as patrick is ethical because of his belives.In conclusion amanda uncle,the captain doyle nor amandas mother helen did the right thing in making amandas life better.
Esmin Green fell out of her chair in the waiting room of Brooklyn’s largest psychiatric hospital nearly an hour before anyone realized she was in trouble. For 20 minutes Esmin writhed and twisted between two chairs under the surveillance of security guards and two other staff members passed through the room and glanced at the 49 year old woman, without bothering to check her vital signs or to see if she’s alright and 40 minutes later she stopped moving, a nurse walked over and kicked her.
The author mentions that “public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care to the poor and uninsured since the early 1960’s. And also mentions that with insufficient outpatient services and a dearth of community-based support, the least fortunate of them have ended up in already over taxed emergency rooms. They are the poor, the uninsured and the undocumented; many suffer from chronic conditions that could potentially be treated with medication and regular counseling, luxuries most of them cannot afford." I feel that this passage is significant because I’ve experienced this with patients working as a nurse in a hospital. I agree with the author that with little or no insurance you don’t get good service in public hospitals; instead you spend your whole day in the waiting room before even seeing a doctor.
The author mentions that “public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care to the poor and uninsured since the early 1960’s. And also mentions that with insufficient outpatient services and a dearth of community-based support, the least fortunate of them have ended up in already over taxed emergency rooms. They are the poor, the uninsured and the undocumented; many suffer from chronic conditions that could potentially be treated with medication and regular counseling, luxuries most of them cannot afford." I feel that this passage is significant because I’ve experienced this with patients working as a nurse in a hospital. I agree with the author that with little or no insurance you don’t get good service in public hospitals; instead you spend your whole day in the waiting room before even seeing a doctor.
I remember when a patient came in sick to the emergency room and waited to be seen for six hours before he was seen by the doctor and waited another twenty minutes before the doctor actually came in to the waiting room to check him and tell him what was wrong. When that happened I thought to myself that poor man. The hospitals need to provide more care for the patients physically and mentally to better the quality of life for people. If doctors and staff took better care and put in more time in the situation of peoples sickness rather then how their getting paid then a lot of people would at least live longer. But if the patient has no money they will be the last to be cared for.
But if the patient has no money they will be the last to be cared for, In conclusion The hospitals should have more of a solid community base support team and sponsors to donate to the hospitals to help the poor and uninsured patients, to help better hospital services and save lives
Thursday, May 19, 2011
blog# 7
one of the important choices neo makes is to leave the matrix to learn the truth. Another choice he makes is to save morpheus knowing that he might loose his life.He also accepted the fact that he is the choosen one which abled him to use his powers like the agent's. Neo made the decision to train and they were strengthening his muscle to fight the agent's to keep them from getting the code to the world. The important choice that shows me he is the hero of the story is he stood up and fought the agents till he defeted them and that when he saw all the codes before him.It was then he able to see the light.
blog #6
In the essay I know the truth so dont bother me with the facts" by jeffrey kluger . He stated said by nisbet repeated exposure to rebuttals from variety of sources , if presented in an increase, the accurancy of beliefs overtime.Even when people do take the time to learn the facts,however,the effort often does no good.Garret cites a body of studies showing that when subjects are presented with data that contradicts their beliefs,they often paradoxically-respond by leaving to their biases more tightly.Some or that may be simple ego-none of us like being told were wrong.But some investigators are looking deeper conducting studies of the brain to see how the prefrontal cortex the seat of the reason and theamygdala, the seat of fear and other primal emotions,light up or power down in such situations.What the author was saying is that people live up to what they grew up hearing,learning,knowing so even if the truth was posted on a platform in front of them with all its proof they still wouldnt take heed to the truth because people do not want to live outside of their comfert zone because of fear.No matter what the scans and other students reveal of course its up to us to find a place in a world of facts and make our decisions based on that information-at least if we hope to get anything accomplished.we may not always agree on what those facts.mean,but at a minimum we need to agree that they mean more than fantasy.We need to explore our horizons,up our mind set expecting what is relivant, true in order for us to grow and learn at least.If we give truth a chance more could be accomplished even if we may not agree to disgrace all aspects at least moving forwerd we will be more open to except truth.I remember when i was younger i was about 6years old,my illusion was the tooth fairy.I believed that when my tooth would fall out so the tooth fairy could take my tooth and payed me for it.But what made me not believe in the tooth fairy more,was my cousin she told me the tooth fairy was fantasy that my parents were the tooth fairy taking my tooth and putting money under my pillow so that night I pretended to be sleeping and I saw my mom come into my room take the tooth out from under my pillow and put the money it was then i saw what i believed to be true was a fantasy so i no longer believed in tooth fairy.So like the people in the allegory of the cave who believed in shadows of one how could they see anything if they were never allowed to move their heads.
blog 9
the essay mentioned that someone can have no legal right to be present in the country but be entitled to a very exspensive and valueable benefit of citizenship is absurd on its face. I disagree with the senator of illinios for making it exspensive for non citizens to attend school in the state,especially when non citizen parents help support the pell grant, federal loans,research grants that are part of university budget.
The senator should take that into consideration when passing the laws knowing that. I feel the senator should let non citizens pay less because non citizens also have other priorities as well to pay such as their family to feed and support with essential needs like food, clothing etc so how could they afford these in school thats a bit much but if the senator lower the course now no immigrants will be able to have a higher education in illinois support them selves and family,contribute to the state in other ways like going to parties or spend more money site seeing in the state. they will also be able to afford to buy the books needed for the classes they have to take and have more money for other unexpected cost.
The senator should take that into consideration when passing the laws knowing that. I feel the senator should let non citizens pay less because non citizens also have other priorities as well to pay such as their family to feed and support with essential needs like food, clothing etc so how could they afford these in school thats a bit much but if the senator lower the course now no immigrants will be able to have a higher education in illinois support them selves and family,contribute to the state in other ways like going to parties or spend more money site seeing in the state. they will also be able to afford to buy the books needed for the classes they have to take and have more money for other unexpected cost.
blog #11
In the article it says public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care to the poor and uninsured since the early 1960's.When large mental hospitals began closing their doors en masse.The author believes that many of the patients who suffer from chronic conditions can be treated with medication and counseling.The author also believes that the mentallly ill typically wait twice as long for treatment as other patients populations do.
I agree with the author the patient deserve proper care and should not have to wait hours on end to be seen and recieve service in the hospital.they shouldnt be discriminated against just because the person may be physically ill with or without insurance.They should be examined and given proper medication to cure their condition..I worked in the hospital and i see how the patients are treated they will come in and sometimes their sickness or symptoms is not even that bad but if they have no insurance they will be the last to be seen.Like the women waiting in the waiting room of brooklyns largest psychiatric hospital,who died thats very unfortunate because she died of blood clot in her leg and nobody realized till after 40 minutes of her laying their dead..Had Esmine Green go the proper treatment she would would have been alive today..Hospitals, emergency room's should access patients sooner then their doing because with no insurance,mentally disturbed,chronic illness,we are all humans and deserve to have a place in the medical emergency rooms.why should patients wait alot of deaths could be prevented if more facilities had more of caring support team.
In conclusion the hospitals should have more of a solid community base support team.more sponsors to donate money to the hospitals and emergency room more of caring nurses,doctors and staff to care for the health of people and wellness of them rather than just think of money and how their gonna get paid because at the end of the day.Without patients,hosptials can function the more people thats cured then doctors and nurses wont have to worry about emergency rooms or hospital being overcrowded and not having enough beds for patients.
I agree with the author the patient deserve proper care and should not have to wait hours on end to be seen and recieve service in the hospital.they shouldnt be discriminated against just because the person may be physically ill with or without insurance.They should be examined and given proper medication to cure their condition..I worked in the hospital and i see how the patients are treated they will come in and sometimes their sickness or symptoms is not even that bad but if they have no insurance they will be the last to be seen.Like the women waiting in the waiting room of brooklyns largest psychiatric hospital,who died thats very unfortunate because she died of blood clot in her leg and nobody realized till after 40 minutes of her laying their dead..Had Esmine Green go the proper treatment she would would have been alive today..Hospitals, emergency room's should access patients sooner then their doing because with no insurance,mentally disturbed,chronic illness,we are all humans and deserve to have a place in the medical emergency rooms.why should patients wait alot of deaths could be prevented if more facilities had more of caring support team.
In conclusion the hospitals should have more of a solid community base support team.more sponsors to donate money to the hospitals and emergency room more of caring nurses,doctors and staff to care for the health of people and wellness of them rather than just think of money and how their gonna get paid because at the end of the day.Without patients,hosptials can function the more people thats cured then doctors and nurses wont have to worry about emergency rooms or hospital being overcrowded and not having enough beds for patients.
In the allegory of the cave man socrates said '' I said,let me show in a figure how far our nature is englightened or unenlightened:- behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them,being prevented by the chains from turning round their ourselves,I replied ;and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one another ,which the fire throws on the opposite wall of the could they see ''The people were perplexed because they believed in a lie so much that when they were told the truth with proof they still were in denial.The truth was a lie an illusion and the lie they lived for them was the truth so even though they were shown the light they still choose to live in the darkIt's hard to except change when living a certain way for many years, the reality of it all cannot seem to make sense it will always seem foreign.
blog #16 Type Catw Practice 3
A recent article published in science journal nero-image revealed that when we attempt demanding tasks simultaneously,we end up doing neither as well as we should because our brain have cognitive limits. There was a study done at stanford university a group of students was asked to spend 30 minutes simultaneously compiling a music playlist, chatting and writing a short essay.
Asecond group focused on each task individually for 10 minutes each after ward they were given a memory test the single taskers did significantly better than their multi-tasking peers." A tremendous amount of evidence shows the brain does better when it's performing tasks in sequence rather than all at once we still dont know the long- term effects of chronic multi-tasking but theres no questions were bad at it,and it is bad for us.
I agree because our brain stores a minimal amount at a time which if we try to overcrowed our brain with to much at once it will result in confusion and error.verses if we take ourtime to absorb and respond to what were doing we will result in a much better out come.
I remember when i was working in the hospital we had a high cesus of 40 patients we had myself plus another tech, three nurses we had to admit patients,do vital signs,blood work,EKG,perform patient care for the new and existing patients,assist nurses,chart patient findings and doings.
By the time when it was almost time for the shift to end and we had to get ready to finish upwith patients to get ready for report. I went over what I needed to do for patient in chart's I found in doing simultanious tasks I had errors in spelling of names some chart was not completed ,some blood work was not done.I realized when I was not working under pressure my job was done more accurate because I was able to do everything one at a time I was ablr to think things through more before doing it.
In conclusion the article stated single taskers did significantlt better than multy taskers peers. Therefore the brain work faster and more prompt when things are being planned and thought through with more time to register,process what is needed done. focus is the goal and the key to get better results.
Asecond group focused on each task individually for 10 minutes each after ward they were given a memory test the single taskers did significantly better than their multi-tasking peers." A tremendous amount of evidence shows the brain does better when it's performing tasks in sequence rather than all at once we still dont know the long- term effects of chronic multi-tasking but theres no questions were bad at it,and it is bad for us.
I agree because our brain stores a minimal amount at a time which if we try to overcrowed our brain with to much at once it will result in confusion and error.verses if we take ourtime to absorb and respond to what were doing we will result in a much better out come.
I remember when i was working in the hospital we had a high cesus of 40 patients we had myself plus another tech, three nurses we had to admit patients,do vital signs,blood work,EKG,perform patient care for the new and existing patients,assist nurses,chart patient findings and doings.
By the time when it was almost time for the shift to end and we had to get ready to finish upwith patients to get ready for report. I went over what I needed to do for patient in chart's I found in doing simultanious tasks I had errors in spelling of names some chart was not completed ,some blood work was not done.I realized when I was not working under pressure my job was done more accurate because I was able to do everything one at a time I was ablr to think things through more before doing it.
In conclusion the article stated single taskers did significantlt better than multy taskers peers. Therefore the brain work faster and more prompt when things are being planned and thought through with more time to register,process what is needed done. focus is the goal and the key to get better results.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Blog #14 Learning from another ENG 99 CLASS
I feel post #1 is the best . I like how he refers to the article that was given he gives some supporting details he gives some reason and examples he compairs reason with facts. To a certain extent i have.I feel in the conclusion he gave a connection to the article but enough he gave how its affecting the world and the young but he could add how the reality show could be improved to help strengthin the mind set of the world and young to make the new generation stict to getting an education verses taking the easy wayout such as reality.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Blog#8summary of a ''red pill or blue pill'' is ignorance bliss?''
Alice in wonderland and the matrix is similar because they both share a likeness living in an illusion and reality,they both share a confusion of the life their living as to whats really reality.Neo the main character of the matrix starts off as a computer hacker and he is told that his entire life is an illusion so morpheus offers neo the chance to take the blue pill to keep living in a illusion or the red pill to be enlightned to learn the truth and like alice in wonderland where she has the choice to either leave reality behind or stay lost in the fantasy world.The Difference between the matrix and Alice In Wonderland is that Neo chose to be enlightnened and learn the new ways and to learn the truth and alice chose to leave the fantasy world behind and continue living in reality.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The allegory of the cave man #4
In the allegory of the cave man socrates said '' I said,let me show in a figure how far our nature is englightened or unenlightened:- behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them,being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads.''The people were perplexed because they believed in a lie so much that when they were told the truth with proof they still were in denial.The truth was a lie an illusion and the lie they lived for them was the truth so even though they were shown the light they still choose to live in the darkIt's hard to except change when living a certain way for many years, the reality of it all cannot seem to make sense it will always seem foreign.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Blog 2: "Hype"
In the Article ''HYPE'' by Kalle Lsn ,No longer are ads confined to the usual places,buses,billboards,stadiums.everywhere your eyes can pissibly come to rest is now a place that incorprate America's view , can and ought to be filled with a logo or product message.Advertising is part of our every day life forever we will see it through commercial or hear it through word of mouth.Their is no where to run, no one is exempt and no one will be spared.A company executive calls these little monitors the most powerful micromarketing meduium available today.Therefore advertisment is taken the world by storm
"I know the truth" blog# 3
The article speaks of how we the people are easily misinformed manipulated and mislead. Reason being the cultural center will not be built on the site of the world trade towers destroyed on September 11 but about a tenth of a mile away .Contradiction ,because many lost a lot of loved ones and feel that a ground zero is a memorial site. Rejection of the rumors also plummeted among subjects who read the rebuttals along with raufs words about Americas shared responsibility for 9/11.What was most disturbing to the researchers was not just how easy it is to manipulate people’s belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes. If it weren’t easy, negative political ads wouldn’t work.
How to do one thing at a time Blog #1
A recent article published in science journal nuro-image revealed that when we attempt demanding tasks simultaneously, we end up doing neither as well as we should because our brains have cognitive limits. There was a study done at Stanford University. A group of students was asked to spend 30 minutes simultaneously compiling a music playlist, chatting and writing a short essay. A second group focused on each task individually for 10 minutes each. Afterward, they were given a memory test the single taskers did significantly better than their multi-tasking peers.’ A tremendous amount of evidence shows the brain does better when its performing tasks in sequence rather than all at once ''.we still don’t know the long-term effects of chronic multi-tasking but there’s no questions were bad at it and its bad for us.
I agree because our brain stores a minimal amount at a time which if we try to overcrowd our brain with too much at once it will result in confusion and error. Verses if we take our time to absorb and respond to what were doing we will result in a better out come. I remember when I was working in the hospital we had a high census of 40 patients, we had myself plus another tech, three nurses and we had to admit patients, do vital signs, blood work, ekg, perform patient care for new and old patients, assist nurses, chart patient findings and doings by the time it was almost time for the shift to end..And we had to get ready to finish up with patients to get ready for report. I went over what I needed to do for patient in charts, I found in doing simultaneous tasks I had errors in spelling of names. Some charts was completed, some blood work was not done. I realized when I was not working under pressure my job was done more accurate because I was able to do everything one at a time I was able to think things through more before doing it.
In conclusion the article stated single taskers did significantly better than multi taskers peers. Therefore the brain works faster and more prompt when things are being planned and thought through with more time to register, process what is needed, focus is the goal and key to get better results.
I agree because our brain stores a minimal amount at a time which if we try to overcrowd our brain with too much at once it will result in confusion and error. Verses if we take our time to absorb and respond to what were doing we will result in a better out come. I remember when I was working in the hospital we had a high census of 40 patients, we had myself plus another tech, three nurses and we had to admit patients, do vital signs, blood work, ekg, perform patient care for new and old patients, assist nurses, chart patient findings and doings by the time it was almost time for the shift to end..And we had to get ready to finish up with patients to get ready for report. I went over what I needed to do for patient in charts, I found in doing simultaneous tasks I had errors in spelling of names. Some charts was completed, some blood work was not done. I realized when I was not working under pressure my job was done more accurate because I was able to do everything one at a time I was able to think things through more before doing it.
In conclusion the article stated single taskers did significantly better than multi taskers peers. Therefore the brain works faster and more prompt when things are being planned and thought through with more time to register, process what is needed, focus is the goal and key to get better results.
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